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R&R: Finding The Opportunities In Remote Learning & Work 9/4/20

Happy Friday Learners!

This topic was inspired by a session that I had this week with one of my clients/students. We were discussing what changes to make in his physical environment that could make him getting into a work flow mindset easier; and he shared that he had taken his class video call for that morning outside.

I expressed how much of a great idea I thought that was, and asked him to think a minute about the fact that, instead of being in a typical classroom environment; that he could instead have the flexibility and freedom to enjoy the experience outside.

I was talking to another student who is interested in learning how to write code and potentially go into video game development about his remote learning experience. He shared that he was enjoying that while he also had his class up, he was able to work on some of his passion projects.

He plans to release some of these in the coming months and years and now has the time and opportunity, to both take care of the academic responsibilities as well as pursuing personal ambitions. For others, a simple positive opportunity may be the ability to enjoy your morning cup of coffee without the rush of your commute.

I know that myself, one of the driving reasons that I left public education, was that I found that having the ability to self-structure my time and habits during remote learning made me far more efficient and effective at my job. If you watch the news you will also see that hobbies like scrap booking are on the rise, as people have more time to devote to activities that bring personal enjoyment.

I know that it is stressful right now. Between legitimate fears about the virus, about the effectiveness of remote education, about socio-economic issues that have divided us as a society. But I just wanted to write this post to remind you, that it is both ok, and necessary, to look for the positives in our current situation.

Think about your ability to slow down and enjoy moments with your loved ones. The gratitude you can have simply waking up healthy, as others fight this illness fight for the chance to have that morning coffee. The ability and flexibility to not only structure your days in ways that get tasks done; but also in ways that bring you joy and happiness.

This is a really scary time right now, and those negative emotions and fears are very real and very valid. But we must always remember that no matter what obstacles we may face, no matter what life may throw at us - that as humans, we adapt and we evolve to overcome obstacles. And if you handle obstacles in the right way, you work hard and you work smart - then you just might find an opportunity at the end of your hardship.

I hope that everyone is healthy, safe and well. I hope that everyone can try to find little moments throughout their days for love and gratitude. And I hope that as a community, we can all come together to find ways to turn our current obstacles into opportunities for growth.

If you liked the article please hit that heart button and please share the article if you found it helpful or reflective. Thanks for your time and attention. Have a great long weekend, and stay safe out there!

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