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The Monday Motivator: The Boy & The Starfish 8/10/20

Here we go! Happy Monday! I hope that you enjoyed this week's video selection, featuring the story of the boy and the starfish. Not only is this a great story by itself, but I think that it takes on enhanced significance during these current times.

It is so easy to get caught up in all the pain and suffering that many in our communities are experiencing right now; and that pain is very much real. But let us not forget that although we cannot help everyone or fix everything in our lives all at once; the individual acts and decisions we make day to day and moment to moment still have monumental impact.

For many this can be a very isolating time, so never forget the power of small acts of kindness to those you encounter, both out and about, as well as online. It isn't ever too hard to make someone's day, a nice compliment, holding the door, or giving someone our time and attention; and it tends to make us feel better too!

Additionally if someone is looking to restructure or revamp their lives, the best way to make large meaningful changes is by starting to build little daily habits. This week as we finish up planning our work and start to work our plans; try to fit in an act of kindness or two and pick one little change that you can make that wold have a relatively big outcome!

Thanks for reading and if you liked this post please click the little heart in the bottom right corner! Look for an announcement about PODS this week and have a fantastic start to your week! I leave you with some words by the Japanese Philosopher & Buddhist Daisaku Ikeda,

"The course of our lives is determined by how we react -- what we decide and what we do -- at the darkest of times. The nature of that response determines a person's true worth and greatness."

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